"To the haranguers of the populace among the ancients, succeed among the moderns your writers of political pamphlets…and your coffee-house talkers"– Benjamin Franklin

Contrarian thoughts from the San Francisco Bay area:

  • The simple solution to Russia's abduction habit published
  • Now do the Duke lacrosse case published
  • Regime media heavily invested in Biden leaving published
  • For the Grand Jury, problems with Cal Fire are confidential published
  • Why Californians can't have nice things, media edition published
  • Will they toe the line? published
  • The way to end cancel culture is to visit it upon its advocates published
  • Bragg & his backers don't care if they lose on appeal published
  • Mistaking cause and effect for a paradox published
  • The moral panic du jour published
  • Did she really not know this? updated , originally published
  • A vignette illustrating California's difficulty doing... anything published
  • ...and the very people complaining can do that published
  • Will our elites be swayed? updated , originally published
  • Nor Senator Cotton published
  • Awful... but still. published
  • The catch-all excuse for government failures published
  • Is the Media Prepared for an Extinction-Level Event? updated , originally published
  • DEI for fun & profit published
  • The Federal bureaucracy is intrinsically biased published
  • Everyone knows CEQA lawsuits are extortion published
  • Universities are not on the level published
  • Our Betters Are Undeterred updated , originally published
  • Where does one even begin? published
  • The Prittzkers are showing-up a lot, these days published
  • The Times needed a two month investigation, but repeats Hamas statements uncritically published
  • No one except the reporter seems to want to evacuate Hamas "fighters" published
  • They continue to not merely repeat Hamas lies, but augment them published
  • Our betters in the judiciary reject democratic oversight published
  • The way to end cancel culture is to visit it upon its advocates published
  • Reality in China catches-up with our elites published
  • To whom shall they explain their behavior? published
  • Jim Geraghty's writing for the wrong audience, this morning published
  • Many have bemoaned the media's failures; they fail to aprehend the problem published
  • A very misleading article from CalMatters published
  • Affordable housing creates a few lucky winners and many losers published
  • Our elites created the conditions for Tucker Carlson to be so popular, as well as others updated , originally published
  • Nicholas Goldberg wonders what happened to criminal justice reform published
  • The Wall Street Journal Whiffs published
  • A few glaring omissions in an otherwise excellent article updated , originally published
  • Mike Solana points out that the mob has come for tech published
  • The guy who's been telling us to invest in China can't get his money out published
  • A trio of articles on elite monoculture dropped recently; I have a few observations published
  • Powerful letters from CZU fire survivors published
  • A recent news story reminds me of an instructive episode updated , originally published
  • A reply to "Denver residents lose control of thermostats to fight energy crisis" updated , originally published
  • Testing POSSE-ing to Twitter by tagging Michael Shellenberger published
  • A few thoughts on Shellenberger's "Anit-Nuke Greens Menace Europe" published
  • They Questioned Gender-Affirming Care. Then Their Kids Were Kicked Out of School. published
  • Theme based on Rethink by Jesse Kelly.