How Did a Two-Time Killer Get Out to Be Charged Again at Age 83?

Where does one even begin with this week's New York Times article How Did a Two-Time Killer Get Out to Be Charged Again at Age 83? If you haven't had the pleasure, it's the story of one Harvey Marcelin who was accused of rape in 1952 & 1963. The second accusation "set off a spasm of violence" leading him to murder a woman named Jacqueline Bonds (in the words of the authors; as if the accusation caused him to kill). He was found guilty of first-degree murder & sentenced to life in prison. Naturally, he was paroled in 1984, freeing him to murder Ana Laura Sierra in October of 1985. He was, at least, returned to prison in 1986 before being paroled again in 2019, allowing him to next murder Susan Leyden.

One might think this is an expose of our broken criminal justice system, run by people who seem to love criminals, but it's so much worse. You see, the criminal in question at some point cottoned to the latest fashion of our elites and "identified" as a woman: Marceline Harvey. The authors while chronicling this multi-decade history of murder take care to refer to Marcelin as "she", or "Masrceline Harvey".

Of course, making fun of the fecklessness of those Codevilla termed our "ruling class" is a sport dating back decades, but their silliness has real-world consequences. At the very bottom of the article, it is revealed that, on his most recent release, Marcelin demanded to be housed in a New York City shelter for women. "[a nurse practitioner running intake] said she told Ms. Harvey that placing her in a women's shelter seemed like a bad idea, given her history of killing women. Despite her objections, [the nurse practitioner] said her supervisors allowed Ms. Harvey entry. 'Apparently his feelings and identity were far more important than all the other women that were terrified of him,' she said."

One might be forgiven for being agape at the sheer insanity of it all: releasing a man who clearly has a propsensity for killing women not once but twice, and on the second occasion housing him with women because he said he was now a woman. Not to wory: there's a bureaucrat on the job: "Our policy – in accordance with the law – is to place individuals in shelters based on their reported gender identity," said a spokeswoman for the city's Department of Social Services.

Well, I feel much better, then.


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