At what point do we simply regard the New York Times as a Hamas propaganda outlet?

The Washington Free Beacon reports on another instance of the New York Times serving as Hamas' propaganda arm: not merely repeating uncritically Hamas' statements but eagerly bolstering them with misleading additions.

They claimed on Sunday that "Israel has killed more women and children than have been killed in Ukraine." Their basis for this was a statement from Hamas that 14,000 Palestinians have been killed so far, of whom 10,000 are women & children. No one seems to have questioned that bizarre gender imbalance. They then compared that number to one given by a U.N. data set estimating that 9,806 civilians have been killed in Ukraine (of which 2,756 were women and 531 children). This data set, it seems, employs "a very high bar for reporting fatalities. In fact, the U.N. agency responsible for the data warns readers it 'believes that the actual figures are considerably higher.'"

By later in the day Sunday, the Times had changed the headline & added more verbiage to the article that "suggested the death toll in Ukraine has been an order of magnitude greater than in Gaza," but of course these were stealth edits made long after the original headline, with the New York Times' imprimatur, had plenty of time to circulate.

This is of a piece with the Times' reporting on Shifa hospital– not content with blindly repeating Hamas statements, but going above & beyond by adding additional weight & heft to the claims, whether it's adding a photo of an unrelated bombed-out building, or mischaracterizing a U.N. report. Why does anyone still listen to these people? They are lapdogs for a genocidal death cult.


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